Maddisyn’s Journey at CHOG
Maddisyn and her twin brother were born at 24 weeks old weighing 1 lb. and 3 oz. Mom Stephanie remembers their heads being as small as a mandarin or clementine fruit. Unfortunately, Maddisyn’s brother did not survive and passed away at 12 days old.
Despite being very sick, Maddisyn continued to fight. Her condition was so complex that she needed a higher level of care, and she was rushed to the Children’s Hospital of Georgia in an ambulance at 4 months old.
Maddisyn was diagnosed with Chronic Lung Disease. Her first surgery was at 6 weeks old to close a hole in her heart, followed by a tracheotomy, a procedure to help air and oxygen reach the lungs by creating an opening into the windpipe, at 6 months old. Maddisyn spent a total of 225 days in the hospital, followed by numerous additional hospital stays.
In June 2023, Maddisyn had airway reconstruction surgery to remove the tracheotomy tube. Now at 5 years old, Maddisyn is experiencing freedom for the first time.
Maddisyn and her parents will be featured in this month’s Miracle Monday, highlighting how the Children’s Hospital has helped this family.